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Juneteenth Family Day celebration this Saturday

June 17, 2021

Motorcade from mall to KCC lines up at 2 p.m., starts at 3 p.m.

Shelly Sulser
Battle Creek Juneteenth Family Day is Saturday, June 19 with the theme, Celebrating the Diversity of African Cultures.
The event, held during the pandemic last year only as a car parade, will expand somewhat this year to not only include a 2 p.m. motorcade from Lakeview Square Mall to Kellogg Community College (KCC,) but also an online family friendly educational puppet show (June 18), video contest and COVID-19 vaccinations by Bronson Battle Creek Hospital on the Kellogg Community College (KCC) Campus, said committee chairperson, Lynn Ward Gray.
“It’s going to be kind of a hybrid version,” said Gray.
Before the pandemic of 2020, the local Juneteenth Family Day included a parade plus entertainment, food vendors and sports tournaments at Claude Evans Park in Battle Creek.
The video contest is sponsored by the Juneteenth Family Day Committee and Willard Library and is open to any student in grades three through 12 attending a greater Battle Creek school or home school.
June 19, 1865 is a significant date, not only in American history but African American history.
It’s when the last slaves were freed in Texas, three years after the signing by President Abraham Lincoln of the Emanicpation Proclamation which ended slavery in the United States.
“We hope to see students reflect on the significance of Juneteenth and share their thoughts in an original video,” said Gray.
Videos must be submitted by June 11 at 5 p.m. for a chance at gift card prizes.
Anyone with questions about the video contest can email
The entered videos will premiere on the “Battle Creek Juneteenth Celebration” Facebook page starting at noon with winning videos premiering at 1:30 p.m.
The 3 p.m. Juneteenth Motorcade parade lines up at Lakeview Square Mall’s old JCPenny parking lot near Barnes & Noble at 2 p.m.
The motorcade will follow Beckley to Capital SW, to Christy to Riverside, to Wah Wah Tay See Way to Capital S.W., to Columbia Ave. to Euclid, to Cliff, to Elm, to VanBuren, to East Avenue, to Capital NE, to Michigan, to Graves, to Somerset, to Jordan to Wood, to Greenwood, to Kendall, to Ann, to Howland, to Parkway, to Kendall to Goodale to Washington, to Ardmoor, to Arlington, to Redner, to  North Avenue to KCC.
“The community is encouraged to line the parade route found on our (“Battle Creek Juneteenth Celebration”) Facebook page or join us in the Motorcade Parade itself, said Gray. “It’s a parade with a purpose as we collect new and gently used children’s books to give away, free, to local children to improve literacy rates in our community.”
Participants can take a book to the beginning of the parade route or to the end at KCC during the vaccine clinic from 4-6 p.m.
Bronson Healthcare will be on hand, providing a vaccine clinic (Pfizer) at KCC inside the Miller Gymnasium. 
Free t-shirts and facemasks will be provided while supplies last for those dropping off a book or getting their vaccine. 
“We’ve partnered with New Story Community Books to distribute the books collected from June 21 – July 3, during business hours at their BC Cargo downtown Battle Creek location, until they are gone,” said Gray.
And at 7 p.m., the local band led by Brandon Fitzpatrick, Minor Element, will perform a virtual, live stream concert via The Gilmore Keyboard Festival at or on Facebook at Gilmore Festival.
For questions, call (269) 830-2456 or email 

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